Saturday, January 24, 2009

little bundle of sunshine

kaiya has definitely been back to her happy self for awhile now. it's always wonderful for me to hear her giggles and see her smiles because we were told when she was born that we wouldn't have that.

i was talking to someone today about the problems they are having with one of their pre-teen children. this child has had a difficult life and has a lot of anger. while i was talking and trying to come up with some helpful solutions i couldn't help but look down at akaiya playing with her toys on the mat. i am so lucky because she is just full of so much joy. sometimes we get so caught up in the daily rush of needs, wants, and must haves that i feel like we forget to just sit and be happy. every day kaiya wakes up with a smile. she will roll, pull, and push herself around on the floor playing with her toys and just giggle the whole time. her little face lights up when we pick her up to play or just snuggle. and she has the sweetest habit of rubbing my arm when i'm holding her.

when i tell people about kaiya's condition they usually say something about how hard my life must be, or how rough it must be to deal with a child that has such a horrible condition. don't feel bad for me, i have it easy, i don't have to deal with teenage insanity! i have a sweet little girl that isn't embarrassed to give me hugs or kisses in public. she laughs at all of my jokes. she laughs when i haven't even made a joke. she loves it when i sing at the top of my lungs. she's rarely in a bad mood, she hardly ever whines or complains... i pretty much have a little bundle of sunshine by my side.


Cathy said...

You are so right! They are so filled with JOY! We are very lucky. Stress is just part of life, it is so normal! But these bundles of sunshine make each day so happy! thank you for the reminder.

Yin May said...

My sentiments exactly! I wouldn't want to be dealing with teenaged angst! And yes, it's just so much easier to appreciate the little things some parents take for granted. boy am I glad Vera doesn't have to get all that stress of the Singapore school system it's crazy here I can tell ya!