Monday, April 13, 2009


just when i thought kaiya was getting better - she hurls all over the place :(

so after 3.5 days of puking and pooping, mommy finally relented and took kaiya to see her doctor. i think kaiya just likes to visit these people every once in awhile! she's been VERY quiet, which is kind of scary in an of itself...but when she saw her doctor she started talking at him :)

we learned that she has lost a lot of weight - a little over 3lbs to be exact :(

and we also learned that she has rotovirus. and he says she's going to have it for at least 10 - 12 days...ugh. i told him that she can't afford to lose that much weight, and he agreed. there isn't really anything he can do though. he prescribed ondansetron to help with the nausea, and he said that it would make her thirsty. so i'll keep trying to get food into her, and try to keep up with her nasty stinky diapers. YUCK!

kaiya is still pretty sleepy, although she did play with some of her toys today. she won't be going to school for probably the rest of the week.


Yin May said...

this rotavirus thingie seems to be pretty mean! Brianna's got it as well. 10-12, that's a long week ahead...hang in there.

Cathy said...

Wow, Kelly how did I miss your last 3 post. I try to check often. Poor Ms. Kayia! I agree those 3 lbs are a lot. I am praying she will not lose anymore. That picture on your header just makes me want to reach out and give her a huge hug. What a sweet girl! We are getting closer to our meeting date. We have to all stay well!

Cathy said...

Kelly, Today they are testing Annabel's poop for many things but rotovirus is one. Do you think she could have caught this via the blog from Kaiya or Brianna??? I am praying that your big girl is feeling better. I will keep checking back.