Tuesday, April 21, 2009

beware! this post is about bodily functions...if you have a weak stomach, you may want to skip it!

even though it is gross i feel the need to talk about this. poop. with akaiya, our biggest issue is poop. or rather the lack of poop. she eats a lot of food, fights us with drinking, and i think that is why it is so difficult for her to poop. so we'll take today. she woke up with what we affectionately call "poo balls". not a lot, just enough to smell :( and then her report from school said she had 2 bm's - 1 regular and one small. then she had another one when she got home - a regular (although, what the heck is regular anyway?!?) she was pushing and pushing like she was very constipated. she managed to get out what i thought was a good sized poo. but it was hard. and i saw that she still had more in there. so we gave her an enema...and something came out of her that looked way to big to come out of that little body - yet i still could feel more poo in her belly. she's really skinny. really skinny right now b/c of the recent weight loss. so you can see the lumps in her intestine when she needs to go. so 10 minutes later - another really large deposit was made in her diaper. i have NO idea how she gets these things out. it is so unreal to me that i have almost (on more than one occasion) had the bad taste to photograph it and post the pic...i don't know where all of this stuff hides. i'm beginning to think that kaiya is made up of poo...

sorry for the really graphic post...but well, it is what it is. this is one of the goofy themes in the trisomy fun park ;)


Yin May said...

haha this reminds me of Cathy's graphic post on poo too! yeah pooing is a problem for our kids. they don't seem to have enough pushing power. one thing I do that helps Vera is massage her intestine area - see if you can google bm massage - about 10 mins everyday. the direction follows the direction of the intestine leading to the anus.

Cathy said...

Poor sweet girl! What you are referring too at times I call Man Size Poops! How our little ones can manage this, is unbeknowst to me. I am sorry for Kaiya, can you imagine how it feels to get these huge rocks out. Thank you for your comments. I find myself trying to juggle Annabel's possible surgery schedule around conference. I have to be there to get my yearly fix of Akaiya. Also, don't forget the hair clinic. Love you friend, give her sweet hugs from Annabel and myself. Oh, Tara says her also.

Cathy said...

Ok, I come here so much to check on sweet Akayia. I can't help it but when there is no news with you then I get worried. i am hoping that no news is good news.
Or maybe that your life is just as boring as mine! Give her hugs from Texas.