Sunday, May 10, 2009

life as usual

" no gnews is good gnews with gary gnu..." a quote from a silly show i used to watch when i was younger that seems appropriate :)

kaiya has been doing well. she's eating great, gaining some weight, and back to her silly giggly self. we've been enjoying the warmer weather - and hoping that it stays with us!

today kaiya got a much needed haircut. i gave her the last one she had (6 months ago?) and didn't really do that great of a i finally let nana in to repair the damage. kaiya is barely tolerant of people messing with her hair, so haircuts are usually filled with lots of flailing and sometimes crying... her hair looks much better now thanks to nana!

yelling because she's not too happy with the process...

being a stinker and sticking her tongue out at me!


the curls that were cut off...


Yin May said...

Kelly she has the GREATEST expressions! Loved even the way she bawls! Happy Mother's Day!

Cathy said...

I like her gnew haircut. Tara told me yesterday we need to do something with Annabel's. I too have cut her hair in the past and need to take her somewhere where they can even it up. I am trying to have patience so I can have a hair clinic in July.
Hope you had a great Mother's Day!

Brenda said...

I LOVE the haircut pictures. They are sooo cute.